วันเสาร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

็H-O-R-S-E Game

Have you ever heard of H-O-R-S-E game? Right, what I would like to do today is to show you what H-O-R-S-E game is. H-O-R-S-E is an activity that helps students to memorize the vocabulary what they have learnt without pressure. It can be applied to all level of students, from the beginner through the advanced. To do this activity teacher will use the time about 10 minutes or more. It depends on how teacher manage the time.
The goal is focused on learners to practice spelling in a fun and interactive way
The next section I will explain about preparation. First of all, you will keep a list of words the class has studied, then add to the list each time your class learns a new word. Then, keep the list on a large piece of paper where students can always see it. Students can also keep their own lists in their notebooks. You can play the H-O-R-S-E activity anytime you have a few extra minutes in class and want to review vocabulary and spelling.
Ok, we will talk about the background of this game. H-O-R-S-E is a popular game in which players practice shooting a basketball. We have adapted this game for the English classroom.
Now let’s take to procedure steps consist of ten steps that students have to pay participate in.
The first step is to put students in groups of about 5 and let each group stand in a circle.
Secondly, in each group, have students count off (from 1 to 5, if the groups have 5 students); tell students to remember their numbers.
Thirdly, have Student 1 stand facing away from the list of words and all out one of the vocabulary words so all groups can hear you.
Afterwards, Have Student 1 in each group spell the word (quietly, so that the other groups don’t hear).
Next, have the other students find the word on the list and check whether Student 1 has spelled the word correctly or incorrectly.
After that, if Student 1 spells the word incorrectly, he or she receives an “H.” If Student 1 spells the word correctly, he or she does not receive a letter.
Next, rotate so that Student 2 (then Students 3, 4, and 5) gets a chance to spell a word in the same way. Continue rotating.
Then, each time a student spells a word incorrectly, that student gets an additional letter (first H, then O, then R, then S, then E). Once a student has five letters (H-O-R-S-E), that student is “out.” The student should stay in the circle and help check other students’ spelling but will no longer spell words.
Right, let’s move to the last procedure, when all the students in the group except one have gotten H-O-R-S-E, the remaining student is the winner of the group.
Well, let’s me summarize by saying, H-O-R-S-E game is the game which can encourage students to learn about the vocabulary more enjoyable and memorable. Moreover, it helps students to learn how to working in group. Besides, it can be applied to all level of students. So, what are you waiting for? Just take the idea of this effective game and applied it to your students.

